VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line supports command line. Compared with GUI (graphical user interface), command line can help you save time, enhancing the work efficiency. with the help of VeryPDF HTML Converter command line, it unnecessary for you to open the interface of the software application, select output options, save the result documents any longer. Via VeryPDF HTML Converter command line, you only need to take three steps to rotate the page and convert EMF to JPG.
1. Run the command prompt window
It is simple to run the command prompt window. The following is the most commonly used way to open the command prompt window, and it will take four steps:
- Click “Start”;
- Click “Run” on the home menu;
- Enter “cmd” in the “Run” dialog box;
- Click “OK”.
Then the black and white command prompt window will pop out.
2. Type a command line
Before you enter a command line in the command prompt window, you should comply with two rules as follows:
Rule 1: The command line should include four factors:
htmltools -rotate <int> < EMF file> <JPG file>
The angle brackets <> are usually used to mark the essential content. That is to say, the contents in the angle brackets are necessary. Furthermore, don’t forget to leave a space between these factors.
- htmltools ---- the executable file
- -rotate <int> ---- the command which can be used to rotate pages. int means integer and. Hence you should type the command first, leave a space, and then type an integer. As for this command, the integer can only be 90,180, and 270.
- < EMF file> ---- the input EMF file(s)
- <JPG file> ---- the output JPG file(s)
Rule 2: The directories rather than the bare names of the files should appear in the command line.
If only the names appear in the command line, the computer doesn’t know which file you are referring to. Instead, the directories can clearly show where the files are. Of course, there might be an exception when all the files are placed on the same disk. However, we won’t focus on this issue in this article. I will write another article to account for it later. If you are interested, you can visit my blog by clicking here.
Example: The following is a typical example which includes the mentioned four factors, and the directories of the files.
D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -rotate 90 C:\in\*.emf D:\out\*.jpg
- D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe ---- the directory of the executable file htmltools.exe. The executable file is always placed in the folder htmltools after you decompressed the compressed file. In the example, the directory represents the executable file which is in the folder htmltools on disk D.
- -rotate 90 ---- the command for rotating the page clockwise. The number can be replaced by 180 or 270. If it is 180, the page will be rotated up-side-down; and if the number is 270, the page will be rotated counterclockwise.
- C:\in\*.emf ---- the directory of the input files. The wildcard * represents all the input EMF files in the folder in on disk C. If there is only one EMF file, you can replace the wildcard * with the name of the EMF file.
- D:\out\*.jpg---- the directory of output files. The file extension specifies JPG as the output format. The whole directory indicates that all the result files should be placed in the folder out on disk D. If there is only one input file, you can also replace the wildcard *.
The following is the command prompt with the command line:
Now, it your turn to enter a command line in the command prompt window. You can replace the directories in the example with the directories of the executable file, the input files and the output files in your computer; then, copy the whole command line, and paste it to the command prompt window by right clicking with the mouse.
3. Hit “Enter”
Hit “Enter” on the keyboard. The computer will prompt to convert EMF to JPG. You can view the effect of page orientation and document conversion in a few seconds. If you are interested in other products of VeryPDF, please visit the home page of VeryPDF.