TIFF is a raster image format which can be considered as graphics container. It can store both raster and vector images, can contain high-quality graphics that support color depths up to 24-bit, can support loss and lossless compression and can contain multiple layers and pages. TIFF files are often seen with the TIF extension.WMF or Windows Metafile has been developed to be portable between applications and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It is a graphics file format on Microsoft Windows systems.
VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line is one of the best solutions to your problem, especially when you have a great many of files at hand. VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line can help you convert WMF to TIFF and rotate the page via one command line. This article will show you how to take four steps to rotate the page and batch convert WMF to TIFF.
1. Download VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line
Click VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line to download this software application. It will only require a few seconds to install it. After VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line is installed in your computer, please proceed to the next step.
2. Run the command prompt window
The following is the most commonly used way to run the command prompt window: click “Start”; > click “Run” on the home menu that appears on the computer screen; > enter “cmd” in the “Run” dialog box, > click “OK”.
3. Enter a command line
Please take a look at the following pattern and you will know what factors should be included in the command line when you rotate the pate and convert WMF to TIFF.
htmltools -rotate <int> <WMF file> <TIFF file>
Four factors are required to make up the command line.
- the executable file ---- htmltools
- the command ---- -rotate <int>, which can be used to rotate the page through the angle of 90,180, or 270 degree.( int refers to integer and the angle brackets <> are often used to mark the essential content.)
- the input file ---- WMF file(s)
- the output file ---- TIFF file(s).
The command line below is a good example which well illustrates the four factors. If you are careful, you will find that all the files are represented by directories rather than only the file names. This is because computer can hardly recognize the files if the exact folders where those files are placed in are not clearly directed.
D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -rotate 270 C:\in\*.wmf D:\out\*.tiff
In this example,
- D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe is the directory of the executable file. It indicates that the executable file htmltools.exe is in the folder htmltools on disk D.
- -rotate 270 is the command that can be used to rotate the page counterclockwise through the angle of 90 degree. The number 270 can be substituted by 90 or 180.
- C:\in\*.wmf is the directory of the input files. The wildcard * represents all the input WMF files in the folder in on disk C.
- D:\out\*.tiff is the directory of output files. The file extension indicates that the output format should be TIFF. It indicates that all the output files should be export into the folder out on disk D.
You can replace all the directories of the files in the example with those in your computer. In addition, the number which stands for the angle degree can also be changed, according to your priorities.
4. Hit “Enter”
As soon as you hit the key “Enter”, the computer will begin to batch convert WMF to TIFF. You can also view the process of conversion and conversion time in the command prompt window. The following is the comparison between the original file and the result file. and you can view the effect of conversion from WMF to TIFF and the page orientation very soon. If you want to get more information about usages of VeryPDF HTML Converter command line, please read related articles at the knowledge base of VeryPDF. If you are interested in other products, please visit the home page of VeryPDF.