How to set bit depth when batch convert HTML to JPG?

VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line, One of the best products of VeryPDF, is your best solutions to set bit depth when batch convert HTML to JPG. First, VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line support command line, so you can use it to convert documents in a quick and fast way. Compared with the GUI version, the HTML Converter Command Line version can save the time of opening the interface. Second, VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line can be used to convert HTML to multiple documents like convert HTML to JPG, THML to TIF, and HTIM to PDF. Third, VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line supports batch conversion.

JPG is the image format that is for photo images which must be very small files. Those small files are used for email, web sites, etc. JPG is often used on digital camera memory cards. JPG file is wonderfully small, often compressed to perhaps only 1/10 of the size of the original data, which is a good thing when modems are involved. it is the compressed image format standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG); it is commonly used for storing digital photos since the format supports up to 24-bit color; therefore, most digital cameras save images as JPG files by default.

This article aims to introduce a method to set bit depth when batch convert HTML to JPG. The command which should be concluded in the command line is -bitcount <int>, which can be used to set bit depth and it permits three parameter values: 1, 8, and 24. You should take three steps to set bit depth and batch convert HTML to JPG via a command line.

1. Run the command prompt window

It is very easy to run the command prompt window. Four steps are required.

Click “Start”; > Click “Run” to open the “Run” dialog box; > Enter “cmd” in the “Run” dialog box, > Click “OK”.


2. Enter a command line

Generally speaking, if you want to convert HTML to JPG, and set color depth via a command line, this command line should conclude four factors:

htmltools -bitcount <int> <HTML file> <JPG file>

  • Factor 1: htmltools ---- the executable file
  • Factor 2: -bitcount <int> ---- the command which can be used to set color depth. The angle brackets are used to mark the essential content. int means integer.
  • Factor 3: <HTML file> ---- the input HTML file(s)
  • Factor 4: <JPG file> ---- the output JPG file(s)

However, when you enter the command line in the command prompt window, you should remember to enter the whole directories rather than only the names of the files in the command line. For instance:

D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -bitcount 8 D:\in\*.html D:\out\*.jpg

  • D:\htmltools\htmltools.exe is the directory of the executable file htmltools.exe. this directory means the executable file is in the folder htmltools on disc D. The directory can be substituted by the real directory of the executable file in your computer.
  • -bitcount 8 is the command specifying 8-bit as the bit depth for the output JPG file. The number can be replaced by 24 or 1.
  • D:\in\*.html indicates that all the HTML files in the folder in on disk D should be the input files.
  • D:\out\*.jpg indicates that all the original files should be converted to JPG files in the folder out on disk D.

3. Press “Enter”

Click the single key “Enter” one the keyboard, you can control the VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line to convert HTML to JPG files in the color depth of 8-bit right away and quickly get the JPG files converted from HTML files.

If you are interested in other articles, you can also read the related articles at the knowledge base of VeryPDF.

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