VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line can help you set options to encrypt PDF when you convert HTM to PDF. To prevent PDF files being read by other, you can set open passwords; and to prevent PDF files being copied, printed, modified, changed, etc. you can set owner passwords and encrypt PDF files. Multiple options are provided. By means of VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line, you can quickly and perfectly protect your PDF files by setting passwords, key length, and restriction via command line.
VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line is a standalone application, which doesn’t require Adobe Acrobat on your computer. It supports batch conversion. It can also convert web files in other format like HTML to PDF and other formats like PS and TIFF. You can free download the free trial version by clicking VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line. It will take several seconds to install it on your computer.
The following part will show how to convert HTM to PDF and encrypt PDF, please follow the steps and try to use this tool to solve your problem. Only two steps are required.
You can start with opening the command prompt window. In Windows XP, you can open the command prompt window in the following way: click Start, > select Run from the Start menu, > type “cmd” > click OK. The image below may make it clearer.
You can also click Start and click Command Prompt to open the command prompt window, if you can find Command Prompt on the Start menu.
The second step is to type a command line in the command prompt window. Before that, you may need to refer to the basic usage of this application and some related options as follows:
- Usage: htmltools [options] < HTM file > [<PDF file>]
- Options:
- -ownerpwd <string> : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
- -keylen <int> : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
- -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
- -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
- -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
- -encryption <int> : Restrictions
- -encryption 4: Deny printing
- -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
- -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
- -encryption 32: No commenting
- …
There are some other options for encryption. If you want to see more options, please click the directory of the executable file in the command prompt window and press Enter. The following is a command line that can be used to convert HTM to PDF and encrypt PDF.
Example: d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -ownerpwd "red” -keylen 1 –encryption 4 c:\in.htm d:\out.pdf
- d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe is the directory of the executable file.
- -ownerpwd "red” is the option that can be used to set an owner password. Here, the owner password is set to be red.
- -keylen 1 is an option that can be used to set key length. Here, the key length is set to be 128 bit.
- -encryption 4 is the option that can encrypt PDF to prevent the PDF file being printed. All the three options must occur when you encrypt PDF.
- c:\in.htm represents the input file.
- d:\out.pdf represents the output file.
VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line supports the wildcard * and batch conversion. For example, you can use c:\*.htm to represent all the HTM files on disk C. Please type a proper command line and press Enter. If you want to learn more information or buy VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line, please click full version.