PGM is the grayscale image file encoded with either one or two bytes (8 or 16 bits) per pixel. The format contains header information and a grid of numbers that represent different shades of gray from black (0) to white (up to 65,536). For the goal of converting MS Office Excel document of xls to pgm or xlsx to pgm, you can read this article which will give you a clear answer about the conversion.
In the conversion from xls to pgm, you can choose the software application docPrint Document Converter Professional as the tool. docPrint Document Converter Professional (docPrint Pro) is a software product that dynamically converts MS Office Excel, Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, AutoCAD DWG, PostScript, Adobe Acrobat PDF and many other document types to Adobe Acrobat PDF, PostScript, EPS, XPS, PCL, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, EMF, WMF, GIF, TGA, PIC, PCD and BMP formats.
As one application in docPrint Pro, the virtual printer docPrint will play the leading role in this article. Because it is not only a simple Windows printer which can save paper and ink when you print the documents, it is also a powerful document converter which can convert any printable documents to 50+ graphics. To docPrint, three steps are enough to convert xls to pgm. But you should download docPrint Pro at for using docPrint. After installing docPrint Pro on your computer, you can see docPrint in the printer list by clicking “Start”—“Printers and Faxes”.
The following contents will be a good interpretation of the conversion.
- In an opened Excel document, please click “File”—“Print” to open “Print” dialog box in which you can set “docPrint” as the default printer in “Printer” combo box and click “Print” dialog box. Having the aid of the hot key “Ctrl”+ “P”, you can also open “Print” dialog box. If docPrint has been set as the default printer, you can right click the Excel document and choose “Print” option to run docPrint directly.
- Then you will see a friendly interface which is the interface of docPrint. There are some buttons in the toolbar for realizing different functions and a small dialog box named “Option Settings” on the right. You don’t need to care about them if you want to convert xls to pgm only. Please use one of the following given ways to open “Save As” dialog box in which the target files can be saved and the conversion from xls to pgm can be run. You can click “File” and click “Save as” in the dropdown list. You can also use the “Save File” button in the toolbar to open the dialog box. The hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” is useful too.
- The last step of the conversion from xls to pgm is to save the target files in “Save As” dialog box. Please choose the storing location for the target files in “Save in” combo box. Then input the name of the target files in “File name” edit box. You should specify the output format for the target files in “Save as type” combo box. Then please click “Save” button. To learn the dialog box better, you can see it in Figure1.
About several seconds later, you will get the target files in specified location. The whole conversion process is so easy just like it. If you are interested in docPrint, please download docPrint Pro to your computer and try the conversion from xls to pgm your self.