Please don’t consider converting ppt to miff or pptx to miff as a difficulty. In fact, it is really easy when you take docPrint Document Converter Professional as your helper.
docPrint Document Converter Professional is a software product that dynamically converts MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, AutoCAD DWG, PostScript, Adobe Acrobat PDF and many other document types to Adobe Acrobat PDF, PostScript, EPS, XPS, PCL, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, EMF, WMF, GIF, TGA, PIC, PCD and BMP formats.
There are three available applications in docPrint Document Converter Professional which is also called as docPrint Pro. The first one is the GUI application which is good at batch conversion. The second one is the command line application which is often used by software developers. The third one, also the one to be introduced in this article is the virtual printer which can save paper and ink. The virtual printer docPrint is not only a Windows printer, but also a document converter which can convert any printable document to 50+ graphics.
To use docPirnt, you should download docPrint Pro at first and install it on your computer. You are able to see docPrint in the printer list by clicking “Start”—“Printers and Faxes”.
Please open a PPT document and click “File”—“Print” to open “Print” dialog box. Then in this dialog box you should choose “docPrint” as current printer in “Printer” combo box and click “Print” button. The hot key “Ctrl” + “P” can also realize the same function. If docPrint is the default printer, please right click the PPT document and click “Print” in dropdown list to run docPrint directly instead of opening the file.
Then please open “Save As” dialog box in popup “docPrint” window form. Please see it in Figure1. There are three methods offered below for your choice to open “Save As” dialog box.
- You can click “File” and click “Save as” in dropdown list.
- You can also use the “Save File” button in the toolbar.
- The combination “Ctrl”+ “S” is often taken by many people to save files.
Please see the interface of docPrint in Figure1.
In the end of converting ppt to miff, you are able to save the target files in “Save As” dialog box. Please see the dialog box in Figure2. You have to do the following things to complete the whole conversion.
- In “Save in” combo box, please choose the location for the target files.
- In “File name” edit box, you should input the name for the target files.
- In “Save as type” combo box, please choose the file type for output files.
- Click “Save” button.
Then the conversion from ppt to miff is over. You can get more information about docPrint Pro via clicking here. If you are interested in the application, you can download it and try it yourself.