The application docPrint Document Converter Professional which is also named as docPrint Pro allows you to convert OpenOffice document of odt to gif format file. With docPrint Pro, you can realize the whole process in no more than two minutes by some easy clicks.
In fact, docPrint Document Converter Professional is an expert in converting documents. It can convert any printable documents (MS Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, AutoCAD DWG, PostScript, Adobe Acrobat PDF, etc.) to 50+ image formats (EPS, XPS, PCL, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, EMF, WMF, GIF, TGA, PIC, PCD, etc.). With three available applications in docPrint Pro, you can choose anyone according to different purposes. You can use the GUI application to make batch conversion. The command line application can be used to develop software. If you want to save paper and ink, please choose the virtual printer application.
In this article, you will see how to convert odt to gif with the virtual printer docPrint because it is not only a Windows printer, it is also a powerful document converter. To use docPrint, you should download docPrint Pro at first and install it on your computer. If you want to see the location of docPrint, you can open the printer list by clicking “Start”—“Printers and Faxes”.
The following contents are the details about converting odt to gif with docPrint. The first step is to run the printer driver. If you have set docPrint as the default printer, you should right click the ODT document and choose “Print” option to run docPrint directly. If not, please open the document in OpenOffice program and click “File”—“Print”, which can help you open “Print” dialog box. Then please choose the current printer as “docPrint” in “Printer” combo box and click “Print” button. The hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” can also help you open the same dialog box.
The second step is to open “Save As” dialog box in which you can make change to the target file and save ODT document as GIF format file. In the popup “docPrint” window, you can click “File” and click “Save as” in the dropdown list. Or use the “Save File” button which looks like a floppy disk in the toolbar. You can also use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” on the keyboard to open “Save As” dialog box.
The last step is to save the target file and run the conversion from odt to gif. In “Save As” dialog box, you should choose the location for the target file in “Save in” combo box, name the target file in “File name” edit box, specify the right output format for the target file in “Save as type” combo box and click “Save” button. Please see the “Save As” dialog box in Figure1.
After you click on “Save” button, you will see a green progress bar appear at the bottom of docPrint window and it will be empty when the conversion from odt to gif is over. Please check the output file in the specified location after the conversion.