No matter whether you have Word 2010 and Adobe product on your computer or not, you can use VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) to convert Word to PDF and set PDF author via command line. After you set PDF author, you can find the information about the PDF author in the Properties dialog box. PDF author can tell the reader who creates the PDF file. If there are many PDF files on your computer, you can also using this information to sort the PDF files.
VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) is a wonderful tool, because it’s an all-to-all document converter. You can select the command line version of this product and download it by clicking docPrint Pro. After you installed it on your computer, please do as follows to How to convert Word to PDF and set PDF author via command line.
1. Open the command prompt window.
VeryPDF Document Converter supports all Windows OS. In Windows XP, please click the Start button to open the Start menu. > click Run on the Start menu, > type cmd in the Run dialog box and click OK.
2. Type a command line
Different executable files have different usages. The main executable file of VeryPDF Document Converter, named doc2pdf.exe, has the following basic usage: doc2pdf [options] <-i Input File> [-o Output file].
The option you are going to need to set PDF author is -a <author>. For example, you can use -a “word2pdf” to set the PDF author as word2pdf. The following is a command line example for converting Word in the format DOC to PDF and setting PDF author in batch: “c:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -a “word2pdf” -i c:\*.doc -o d:\*.pdf.
To see more options and examples of VeryPDF Document Converter, please type the directory of the executable file alone in the command prompt window and press Enter. Anyway, after you type a command line, don’t forget to press Enter.
Do you think VeryPDF Document Converter is easy to convert Word to PDF and set PDF author in batch? Do you have better idea to solve the problem? If so, please don’t hesitate to share your method with me and the other readers, thanks a lot!