To use a command line to convert Excel to EPS, you are going to need a command line application of a professional document converter. I would like to recommend VeryPDF docPrint Pro to you. VeryPDF docPrint Pro has both a command line version and a GUI version. Clearly, you need the command line version, which is able to convert any printable files to image files in various formats. And yes, it can help you convert all formats of Excel to EPS.
No matter how may Excel files you need to convert, you can always use a single command line to get the job done. The following are the three steps you need to take to convert Excel to EPS.
1. Download VeryPDF docPrint Pro
You can download VeryPDF docPrint Pro by clicking here, and after you install it on your computer, you can get 50 times to use it free.
2. Open the command prompt window
If you are different Windows operating systems users, you are going to take different ways to open the command prompt window. Here only take Windows XP as an example, you should click Start, > click Run on the Start menu, > type cmd in the Run dialog box and press Enter on the keyboard. When the command prompt window pops out, you can proceed to the next step.
3. Type a command line
The last step is to type a command line and press Enter. You should take a look at the basic usage and examples before you type your command line in the command prompt window.
- Usage: doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
- Examples:
- To convert a single Excel to EPS: “D:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i C:\in.xls -o D:\out.eps
- To convert multiple Excel to EPS: “D:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i C:\*.xls -o D:\*.eps
Hey, now, it’s your turn to type a command line. Please don’t forget to press Enter after you type a command line, ok? These are the three steps you need to take to use VeryPDF docPrint Pro to convert Excel to EPS.