This article aims to introduce a method to Excel to image and set resolution via command line.
The first step is to choose a good tool. This article recommends you the command line version of VeryPDF Document Converter (docPrint Pro) . By way of docPrint Pro, you are able to convert any printable files like Excel to image files. Meanwhile, you are allowed to set options such as set resolution. You can download docPrint Pro by clicking docPrint Pro.
The second step is to open the command prompt window. You can use different ways to open the command prompt window. Assuming you are a Windows XP user, you can follow the steps below to open the command prompt on your computer:
- Click Start on the desktop
- Click Run on the Start menu
- Type CMD or cmd in the Run dialog box
- Presss Enter on your keyboard
When you see the command prompt window on your screen, you need to take the third step: type a command line and press Enter. Please look at the usage and option below before you go type a command line.
- Usage:
- doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
- Option:
- -r <resolution> : set resolution to generated image files
- -r 400 : set X and Y resolution to generated image files
- -r 400x600 : set X and Y resolution to generated image files
- -r 200x400 : set X and Y resolution to generated image files
For example, the following command line can help you get a JPG image file from an Excel file:
“C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -r 400x600 -i D:\in.xlsx -o D:\out.jpg
If you want to convert Excel to image files in batch, please take a look at the following example:
“C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -r 200x400 -i D:\*.xls -o D:\*.png
Anyway, remember to press Enter after you type a command line.
Now, are you clear about how to use command line to convert Excel to image and set resolution by means of VeryPDF docPrint Pro? If you have any question or any good suggestion, please share it with me.