You can use VeryPDF Document Converter to convert PowerPoint to bitmap image by command line. VeryPDF Document Converter does not require third-party applications like MS Office PowerPoint, and it can runs well under any Window operating systems.
VeryPDF Document Converter is also known as docPrint Pro. It is the advanced version of Document Printer (docPrint). VeryPDF Document Converter provides a command line version and a GUI version. This article aims to explain how to use the command line version to convert PowerPoint to bitmap images. Please click VeryPDF Document Converter (CMD) to download it, and install it on your computer. Then, take the following two steps to convert PowerPoint to bitmap images in batch.
First, you should open the command prompt window. According to the operating system on your computer, please choose a proper way to open the command prompt window.
- Under Windows Vista or 7, please do as follows: click Start on the left end of the task bar > type cmd in the search box on the Start menu > press Enter.
- Under Windows XP, 2000, or NT, please do as follows: click Start > click Run on the Start menu > type cmd in the Run dialog box > press Enter.
Second, you should use the command line application to convert PowerPoint to bitmap image. In the command prompt window, type a command line based on the usage as follows:
Usage: doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
In the usage, doc2pdf is the name of the executable file. The angle brackets are used to enclose essential part. And the square brackets are used to enclose the options. The combination –i must before the directory of the input file, and –o must appear before the output directory. Please take a look at the following examples:
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i D:\in.pptx -o E:\out.bmp
- "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i D:\*.pptx -o E:\*.bmp
The first example can convert a single PowerPoint file to a bitmap image. The second example can convert multiple PowerPoint files to bitmap images. "C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of the executable file. D:\in.pptx, which is following the combination -i is the input path, and E:\out.bmp after –o is the output path. As in the second example, the wildcard can presents all the files in some folder. Now, please type a command line to meet your needs. And don’t forget to press Enter after that.
VeryPDF Document Converter is an all-to-all document converter. If you are interested in the other features of it, please visit the following website: