Convert XLS to PostScript file via command line

To convert XLS to PostScript file via command line, first you need a command line application which has the capacity to convert XLS to PostScript. The command line application I usually use is an all-to-all document converter. I have just used it to convert some XLS files to PostScript files. The results turn out perfectly. So, I decide to write an article to share the method with you.

Firstly, the command line application I like using is named VeryPDF Document Converter or docPrint Pro. It has a command line version and a GUI version. Since you need to use command line, please download the command line version by clicking VeryPDF Document Converter. After you install it on your computer, you can use it free for 50 times. You cannot run a command line application by just double clicking its icon; instead, you need to call it in the command prompt window. So, the second step is to open the command prompt window.

Secondly, to open the command prompt window, you should click Start, > select Run on the Start menu, > type cmd in the Run dialog box, > and click OK. This is a way you can use in Windows XP. If you are in Vista or Windows 7, you should click Start, type cmd, and press Enter. When the command prompt window pops out, you should proceed to the next step.

Thirdly, type a command line and press Enter. This is the last but most important step. Before you type a command line in the command prompt window, you should look carefully at the basic usage and examples as follows:

  • Usage : doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]
  • Examples:
    • “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i D:\test.xls -o E:\
    • “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i D:\*.xls -o E:\*.ps

The first example can be used to convert a single XLS file to a Postscript file, and the second one can be used to convert multiple XLS files to Postscript files in batch. The wildcard in D:\*.xls in the second example represents all XLS files in the root folder on disk D. Have you noticed? The path of the executable file is enclosed by quotation marks. Do you know why? Well this is because the words in the path are separated by spaces. Now, please type a command line in your command prompt window and then press Enter.

These are the three steps which are needed to convert XLS to PostScript file via command line. Is this method helpful? Do you have any question about how to use VeryPDF Document Converter? If there is any, please leave a message and let me know. Thanks for reading.

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