This article is about how to convert htm to eps by software named docPrint Pro. It was developed by VeryPDF Company whose products have made up a family for file format converting.
This software is a combination of GUI version and CMD version. When you need use it in the MS DOS Windows, you can call its executable file. If you are used to the graphical user interface, you can do the conversion by some clicks. Here I will show you the detail steps for converting htm to eps by its graphical user interface.
Download docPrint Pro.
docPrint Pro is the nick name of Document Converter which can convert all the printable files to image files or PDF files. When you do the downloading, please choose the right version, and then click the “Download”. Here is the downloading link for you, You just need to follow the installation message, and then you can get it installed in your PC. Once the installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop, just double click it then you can open this software. If you need to know more about it, you can do it through visiting its homage.
Choose the output file format.
Click the button “Setting”, then you can enter the option menu list. It was made up by five sub tabs. Please pay attention to the first one and the second one. In the first one named “Base setting”, you can choose the output file format as eps. In the second one named “Save image mode”, you can adjust the image resolution and color depth. The following picture will be helpful for you to understand this step. If you have finished the setting part, please back to main interface by clicking the button “OK”.
Do the conversion from htm to eps.
Click the button “Start”, you will launch the conversion. But before the conversion starts, you need to choose a folder to save the converted files. The following picture will help you understand this step. A few seconds later, you can use the converted files in the chosen folder.
This is the end of this article. Thanks for your reading.