In this article, I will share you a way for saving the web page to PDF by software Document Converter which also has a nick name “docPrint Pro”. This is way is also helpful for saving web page to image files, such as jpg, png for others. If you are interested in this top, please follow my steps tightly to finish the conversion.
I will take a random webpage for example.
I do the conversion by software Document Converter. First, we need install it to your PC. Here is the downloading for you: . If you feel like to know more about it, you are welcome to its homage, . Just follow the installation reminder; you can install it in a few minutes, because this software is small in size but powerful in function. Once the installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop, double click it then you can get this converter started.
Now let’s do the conversion from web page to PDF.
First, we need to add files to it. If you have saved the web page in html file format, you can drag them from its containing folder to this software interface. If you just simply want to convert a web page to a PDF file, you can add it URL to this converter, and then it can convert this web page to PDF. You just need to press “File” on the top then go to “Add URL” sub menu option. The following picture can help you understand this step better.
Second, you need to choose the output file format. This step can be finished by clicking the button “Setting”, it is not hard to find a tab named “Base setting”. In this tab, there is a drop-down list; you can choose the output file format as PDF. In this conversion, you can ignore the tab “Save image mode” which is related with the image file format. Then you’d better browse other tabs one by one. You can add information for the output PUT files. Choose where and how to save the output PDF files. And you can also set passwords for the PDF files in two levels from two aspects.
If you have finished the setting part, you can click the button “OK” to back to its main interface to continue the conversion from web page to PDF.
Third, run the conversion. Click the button “Start” to choose an output folder to save the output files. Meanwhile, the conversion will be launched by this button. The conversion will last three seconds, and then you can use the converted PDF files from web page. Let’s check the converted effect from the following snapshot.
This is end of the article. Thanks for your reading.