If you have the need to convert a web page to an image file, say web page to tif, this article will be helpful for you. In this article, I will focus on how to do the conversion from web page to tif by docPrint Pro whose formal name is Document Converter.
This converter can help you converter all the printable file to image file or PDF file. With this converter in hand, there is no common conversion can floor you. This converter can be called from MS DOS Windows and it also can be used as the GUI version converter. If you are interested in this converter, please know more on its website, https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html. And if you would like to follow me to have a free trail, here is the free downloading link for you, https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe .
Open this converter.
If you have installed this software successfully, there will be an icon which looks like a magnifier on the desktop. Double click it then you can get this converter started.
Start the conversion from web page to tif.
If you have lots of web pages needed converting, you’d better pick them up and save them in a folder. By this way, you can add this folder to this converter. To achieve this, you can press the option “File” on the top, then go to “Add directory”. Or if you only need to convert one online website to this converter, you can input its URL to this converter. To do this, you need to press the option “File” on the top, and then go to “Add URL”.
Choose the output file format.
Click the button “Setting”, then you can find a tab named “Base Setting”. There is a drop-down list in it. In this drop-down list, you can set the output file format as tif. If you need to set the image resolution and color depth, you can go to “Save image mode” tab. Click the button “OK” to back to its main interface to continue the conversion.
Choose the output folder.
Click the button “Start”, you will be allowed to choose the output folder. By clicking it, you can launch the conversion from web page to tif. The conversion will last a few seconds. A few seconds later, you can use the converted tif file instead of web page.
This is the end of the conversion from web page to tif. Thanks for your reading.