There are multiple applications available online. This article would like to recommend you a useful and powerful all-to-all document converter named VeryPDF Document Converter or docPrint Pro. It provides multiple versions like the command line version and the GUI version. You should select the command line version if you want to convert DOC to PCL via command line. If you want to try this application first, it’s ok. You can use the trial version free for 50 times before you buy it.
After you install VeryPDF Document Converter on your computer, you can take two steps to convert DOC to PCL via command line.
The first step is to run the command prompt. If you know how to do it, please skip to the next step. If not, please go on reading and refer to the illustration as below.
- Click Start in the left-down corner of the computer screen.
- Click Run on the menu.
- As the Run dialog box pops out, type three letters: cmd in the edit box.
- Click OK in the Run dialog box to run the command prompt.
The second step is to type a command line, based on the usage as follows: doc2pdf [options] <-i input file> [-o output file]. For example, “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i C:\in.doc -o D:\out.pcl can be used to convert a DOC file in the root folder of disk C to PCL, and export the PCL on to disk D. The first directory enclosed by double quotation marks represents for the executable file which is placed in the folder named docPrint Pro v5.0 on disk C. The quotation marks are used because there are spaces in the directory. Don’t forget to press Enter after you type a command line.
After you take the two steps mentioned above, please wait for a few seconds. When you see Result Code = 1 displayed in the command prompt interface, you can go to check the result of conversion from DOC to PCl.