By setting PDF keywords can help your readers quickly know what your PDF files are talking about, and help searching engines to find out the category or some related index information of your PDF file. If you want to set PDF keywords in batch as you convert DOC to PDF, you can try VeryPDF Document Converter, which is also called Document Converter Professional, or docPrint Pro. It is the advanced version of Document converter. In other words, VeryPDF Document Converter is the professional version of Document Printer.
VeryPDF Document Converter has the command line version and the GUI version. You are going to need the command line version to solve your problem. The command line version is capable of converting all printable files to PDF files, or almost all types of image files (see output formats). You can get the free trial version of VeryPDF Document Converter, and use it free for 50 times.
The following is a introduction of the method to convert DOC to PDF and set PDF keywords via command line. Please go on reading, download the application and try it free. Two steps are required.
1. Run the Windows command prompt
To run the Windows command prompt under the Windows XP system, you should
- Click Start on the left end of the task bar
- Click Run on the Start menu
- Type cmd in the Run dialog box
- Press Enter
If you are in another Windows system like Windows 7 or Vista, you may take a different way to run the Windows command prompt. But here, we won’t focus on this problem.
2. Type a command line and press Enter
Please take a look at the following basic usage, option, and example before you typing a command line.
- Usage: doc2pdf [options] <-i input file> [-o output file]
- Option: -k <keywords>
Examples: “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” –k “doc to pdf, word to pdf” -i C:\in.doc -o D:\out.pdf - “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” –k “doc to pdf, word to pdf” -i C:\*.doc -o D:\*.pdf
In the usage pattern, the square brackets [] are used to mark options. In contrast, the angle brackets <> are used to mark essential items. The option -k <keywords> can be used to set PDF keywords. The first example can be used to convert a single DOC file to PDF file and set keywords, and the second one can be used to do batch conversion and set keywords. In each example, two pairs of quotation marks are used. The first pair is used to enclose the path of the executable file because there are spaces in the path name. The latter pair is used to enclose the keywords, because character strings in command line are usually needed to be enclosed by quotation marks. Please press Enter after you type a command line.
These are the two steps you need to take to convert DOC to PDF and set PDF keywords. If you want to set other options, or convert other types of formats, you can enter only the path of the executable file in the command prompt window, for example: “C:\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe” and then press Enter.