How to convert documents of OpenOffice to PNM?

When you try to convert document of OpenOffice to pnm image format, a suitable application which can realize this function is the one you must choose. But which application is the most suitable one and how to use it to convert OpenOfffice to pnm? In this article, you will see the methods about this conversion with the professional document converter docPrint Document Converter Professional, also called as docPrint Pr.

docPrint Pro is a such kind of application which is able to convert many types of printable documents to various image formats. In docPirnt Pro, there are three applications for your choice. The GUI application is a good tool in the batch conversion. The command line application may be taken by most software developers. The virtual printer application can be used to scale page size and some other functions. In addition, the virtual printer docPrint also has the ability to act as a document converter, with which you can convert OpenOffice to pnm just in three steps.

Before knowing the conversion method, you should download docPrint Pro at if you need to use docPrint. After installing it to your computer, you will see docPrint as a new added printer in the printer list by clicking “Start”—“Printers and Faxes”. The following contents are the detailed steps.

The first step is to open the OpenOffice document in the OpenOffice program. Then please click “File”—“Print” or use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” to open the “Print” dialog box. You should choose “docPrint” as the default printer in “Printer” combo box and then please click on “Print” button. On the contrary, if docPrint is the default printer on your computer, you just need to right click the OpenOffice document and click “Print” in the dropdown list, which enables you to run docPrint immediately.

The second step is to open the “Save As” dialog box through the popup “docPrint” main window. There are some ways that you can refer to. You can click “File” and click “Save as” in the dropdown list or use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” combination on the keyboard. You can also click the “Save File” button in the toolbar. Of course, if you have some other good ways, you can use.

The third, also the last step is to save the target file in the “Save As” dialog box which is shown in Figure1. You need to do the following operations to complete the conversion from OpenOffice to pnm. In the “Save in” combo box, please choose the location for the target file. In “File name” edit box, you need to input the output file name. In “Save as type” combo box, please ensure the output format. Then please click on “Save” button.

save OpenOffice to pnm


At last, you will get the target file in the specified location on your computer. If you want to obtain more information about docPrint Pro, please visit its homepage via clicking here.

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