Converting HTML to PDF by Document Converter which can convert all the printable files to image file or PDF files can be finished in a few seconds even if you do the conversion from HTML to PDF in batch. Also by this converter, you can adjust the PDF property and set password for the converted PDF file.
As far as the conversion from HTML to PDF is concerned, I divide the conversion process in the following steps.
Step 1. Download Document Converter.
You should better download this converter to your PC then you can know better for what I am saying here. The downloading is free by this link. But this is the trail version which has some limitations, if you need the full function version, you have buy the formal version on its homage.
Step 2. Add HTML files to it.
Depending on the file source difference, you can use the corresponding way to add files. Say if your files are kept on the desktop, you can simply drag them to the interface. If the files are scattered here and there you have to click the button “Add Files” to finish the adding part.
Step 3. Set limitations for PDF files.
Click the button “Setting” then you will enter a brand new menu option. There is only one label that you can ignore that is named “Save Image Mode” which is for image conversion. Then you should better browse the labels one by one. In the first one, please choose PDF as output file format. In the “Save PDF mode” sub menu label, you can choose where and how to save the PDF file. In the “PDF info”, you can add subject, title and keywords for the PDF files. In the last label “PDF Security”, you can add the password in two levels from two aspects, like open password and owner password. As soon as you finish the setting part, you can click the button “OK” to back to its main interface.
Step 4. Run the conversion.
Click the button “Start” to run the conversion from HTML to PDF. You will be demanded to choose a folder to save the converted files. The conversion will take three seconds. Then you can use the converted PDF files in the chosen folder. If you use the trail version, there will be water mark on the converted PDF files. If you buy the formal version, the water mark will disappear.
This is the end of the conversion from HTML to PDF. Thanks for your reading in advance.