In this article, I will introduce a way of converting vsd to ps, hoping it will be helpful for you.
Converting vsd to ps in batch in a few seconds can be done by software named Document Converter which was made to help those who need convert printable file to image file or PDF file. Before do the conversion from vsd to ps, I need to get this converter to my PC.
- Download Document Converter
This is the first step for converting vsd to ps. You can download it form its homepage. There are at least five versions about this software, please choose the right one for you. Meanwhile, this software is a combination of the GUI version and CMD version. Following the install reminder, you can get it installed in your PC. Once you download it successfully, through double clicking its icon, you can enter its interface.
- Add file(s) to this converter.
There are three way for you to choose about adding files.
1. Click Add Files at the bottom of the interface.
2. Drag files from its containing folder to software interface.
3. Click the File on the top, and then go to Add files sub option.
Attentions: if you need to add online files, please choose File on the top, and then go to Add URL sub option. If you need to add a directory, please choose Add Directory in the File option. If you need to let the conversion from vsd to ps do automatically, you can choose Monitor a Special Directory in the File option.
- Choose the output file format.
As we need to convert vsd to ps, we should choose ps as target file format. The order can be processed by clicking Setting then go to Base setting sub menu label. If you need to adjust the ps resolution and color depth, you can make it in the Save image mode sub menu label.
- Start conversion from vsd to ps.
The Start button is an order for this software to run the conversion from vsd to ps, but you need to choose a folder to save the converted ps file. It takes three seconds to finish the conversion from vsd to ps. Then you can use the ps in the chosen folder.
This is the end of the conversion from vsd to ps, if you have further question, you are welcome to email us at or come to our live chat. Thanks for your reading in advance.