How to convert Webpage to DCX?

The application of VeryPDFDocument Converter supports to convert any printable documents to image formats, including the conversion from webpage to dcx. You can see the conversion steps in details in the following contents.

Document Converter is consisted of three applications and you can choose any one of these three ones according to different purposes. For example, the GUI application can be used in batch conversion. The command line application is a good helper to software developers. The virtual printer application can be used to save paper and ink.

The internal application used in the conversion from webpage to dcx is the virtual printer application docPrint for its function of being a document converter which is able to convert printable documents to image formats. To use docPrint, you should download Document Converter at

You can see docPrint in the printer list by clicking “Start”—“Printers and Faxes” after you install Document Converter to your computer. Please run docPrint by printing the document to it.

1 You should open the Webpage and click “File”—“Print” or use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “P” to open the “Print” dialog box.

2 In “Printer” combo box, please choose “docPrint” as current printer from several installed printers.

3 Click “OK” button to continue your work.

4 Use one of the listed way to open “Save As” dialog box in popup “docPrint” main window.

(1) You can press “Ctrl”+ “S” on the keyboard.

(2) Click the “Save File” button in the toolbar.

(3) Click “File”—“Save as”.

5 In “Save As” dialog box which is shown in Figure1, you should choose the output directory for the target file in “Save in” combo box.

6. Just input the name for the target file in “File name” edit box.

7. Specify the output format in “Save as type” combo box.

8. Click “Save” button.

 save webpage to dcx


According to these steps mentioned above, you can convert webpage to dcx perfectly well. If you need some other information about Document Converter, please enter its homepage by clicking here.

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