You are able to convert webpage to jbig within three steps if you have the aid of Document Converter which is a good and professional document converter. Document Converter is able to convert any printable documents to many kinds of image formats and there are three internal applications which are given to meet different purposes of different users.
The internal applications are GUI application, command line application and virtual printer application. You can use GUI application to make batch conversion for it is good at converting documents to images in batch. If you are a software developer, you can use the command line application to develop software. If you wan to save paper and ink, you can choose the virtual printer application docPrint which can scale page to several sizes and combine many pages in a single sheet.
In addition, docPrint can also act as a document converter which can convert any printable documents to various image formats just by some easy clicks. You need to print the printable document to docPrint to launch it. For smoothly using docPrint, you should download Document Printer at and install it on your computer. Please see the steps about the conversion from webpage to jbig.
Firstly, you need to open the Webpage with some kind of browser. In the opened window, please click “File”—“Print” to open the “Print” dialog box. Then please choose “docPrint” as current printer in “Name” combo box and click “OK” button.
Secondly, you will see the main window of docPrint on your screen and you should try to open the “Save As” dialog box in which you are able to set parameters to the target file and save webpage to jbig format file. You can click the “Save File” button in the toolbar or use the hot key “Ctrl”+ “S” to open the “Save As” dialog box. You can also click “File”—“Save as” to open the same dialog box.
Lastly, just run the conversion from webpage to jbig in “Save As” dialog box which is shown in Figure1. In “Save in” combo box, you should choose the location for the target file. In “File name” edit box, please input the name for the target file. In “Save as type” combo box, you need to select the right output format. Then please click the “Save” button.
The conversion will come to the end in seconds and the green progress bar appears at the bottom of docPrint window can remind you the conversion progress. To learn more information about Document Converter, please click here.