VeryPDF PDF Batch Print GUI and VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line can both help you print PDF in batch. Both the applications run well without any PDF reader on your computer. The following will introduce how to use them.
How to use VeryPDF PDF Batch Print GUI?
After you download the GUI application by clicking PDF Batch Print GUI, and install it on your computer, you can do as follows to print PDF in batch.
1. Run PDF Batch Print GUI—You can double click the icon of VeryPDF PDF Batch Print GUI on the desktop to open the interface. then, please click the buttons on the right part of the interface.
Figure 1. The interface of VeryPDF PDF Batch Print GUI
2. Add PDF files—Click the first button Add PDF file(s) to open the PDF Print GUI dialog box. Then, browse folders and files and select the PDF files you can to print and press Open to add the PDF files to the list.
3. Select the printer—Click the fourth button Printer Setting as in Figure 1 to open the Print PDF dialog box, select the printer in the Available printers list box and press OK.
4. Start printing—Click the fifth button Start to Print to start printing the selected PDF files in batch.
These are the four steps you need to take when you use PDF Batch Print GUI to print PDF in batch. The following is the method of using command line to print PDF files.
How to use VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line?
After you download the command line application by clicking PDFPrint Command Line, and decompress the zip file, you can do as follows to use command line to print PDF in batch.
1. Open the command prompt window—In Windows XP, please click the Start button on the left end of the task bar, and then press Command Prompt on the Start menu. In Windows 7 or Vista, please click Start, > type cmd in the search box on the Start menu, > press Enter.
2. Type a command line and press Enter—Please type a command line according to the following usage. Some examples are also provided as follows:
- Usage: pdfprint.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
- Examples:
- C:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe D:\in.pdf
- C:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe -printer "docPrint" D\in.pdf
- C:\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe D:\*.pdf
The first example uses the default printer to print a single PDF file. The second example specifies docPrint as the printer. The third example uses the default printer to print PDF files in batch. If you want to see all the options provided by PDFPrint Command Line, please type the directory of the executable file in the command prompt window and press Enter.
This is the second method you can employ to print PDF in the condition you don’t have any PDF reader on your computer.