If you want to convert the document of word to tga format image file, you can use Mini EMF Printer Driver which offers some APIs for software designers to realize the functions supplied by Mini EMF Printer Driver. Mini EMF Printer Driver gives callable command line application and virtual printer to users for their developing software.
You can use the command line application to convert any printable documents to image formats, including word to tga. There are three steps to complete this conversion. For using the command line application, please click here at first to download Mini EMF Printer Driver and install it on your computer. You will see the command line application MiniPrint.exe in installation folder.
If you need to developer license of Mini EMF Printer to develop your own applications, you can buy it at the website: https://www.verypdf.com/order_miniemfprinter.html. For you have bought the license, you will not need to pay any further fees for using Mini EMF Printer Driver. You can freely develop your applications with the help of Mini EMF Printer Driver or redistribute related components to your applications.
1.To convert word to tga, please run MS-DOS command line window. You are given two ways to open it in this article. The first one is to use the regular way—Click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The second way is to use the quick way—Press “Window”+ “R” combination at the same time on your keyboard.
2.In the opened MS-DOS command line window, you need to input the command line for converting word to tga. If you don’t know the specific commands to be written in the window, please refer to the following basic one.
miniprint.exe C:\in.doc C:\out.tga
From this basic command line, you can see there are three parts which are the called program, source file and target file in the command line.
The following command line example will give you a better interpretation about the basic one.
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" C:\you.tga
(1) "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" stands for the absolute path of MiniPrint.exe which is the executable file of the command line application. For your convenience, you can drag the file into MS-DOS command line window directly.
(2) "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\word\LibGuidesOrderForm.doc" stands for the absolute path of source file.
(3) C:\you.tga is the absolute path of target file.
Then you should click “Enter” button to run the whole conversion which will come to the end several seconds later. You will be able to see the target file which is displayed automatically with default image viewer of your computer.
3.To find the target file, you should open the directory which you have set in the command line just now.
If you want to learn some more information about Mini EMF Printer Driver, please enter its homepage at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/mini-emf-printer-driver.htm.