Only three steps will be required if you use the command line application of Document Converter to convert the document of html to bitmap image, which is easy to understand and master. The command line application is a MS-DOS interface oriented application, so you have to open MS-DOS prompt window before you start the conversion.
Please click “Start” and click “Run” in start menu to open “Run” dialog box. Then please type “cmd” in “Open” combo box of the dialog box “Run” and click “OK” button. You will be also able to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination to open “Run” dialog box. Then you will see MS-DOS interface come out on your screen.
If you want to input the command line into MS-DOS interface for converting the document of html to bitmap image, you should see the following command line example which is a reference for you. The command line contains called program, source file and target file.
doc2pdf –i “” –o C:\output.bmp
Here we take BMP as the example of output bitmap image.
doc2pdf is the called program which is the executable file doc2pdf.exe in installation package of the command line application.
–i “” stands for the URL of the html document. Please don’t forget the option “-i” which means “input” before the URL.
–o C:\output.bmp stands for the name of target file and the option “-o” can not be ignored, either.
Then you should click “Enter” button to run the conversion from the document of html to bitmap image.
If you are interested in the command line application, you can download it at for free trial. If you want to use all the functions of the application, you need to buy it at
Document Converter is a powerful application which can convert any printable documents to image formats with any one of the internal applications—command line application that introduced in this article, GUI application that has a friendly user interface and virtual printer application that is good at saving paper and ink. In you work, you can choose any one of the application according to your needs.