For the purpose of converting document of html to emf format image, you can use the command line application of Document Converter as your tool because the command line application has the ability of converting any printable documents to many types of image formats. It is also easy to use. To finish the whole conversion, three steps are enough.
You can download the free trial version of the application at Then please install it on your computer. If the installation is success, you will see an executable file named as doc2pdf.exe in installation package. The file is the called program in the conversion from html to emf.
If you want to buy the command line application of Document Converter for using all the functions of it, please buy it at Then you will be also use the application to develop new applications.
Mentioned about Document Converter, there are also two other internal applications: GUI application which is good at batch conversion and virtual printer application which can be used to save paper and ink.
Then please see the steps for converting html to emf in the contents below.
To open MS-DOS prompt window is the first step in the conversion. You can click “Start” to open start menu and click “Run” button in the menu. In popup “Run” dialog box, please type “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. To open “Run” dialog box, you can also press “Window”+ “R” combination.
To input the command line in MS-DOS prompt window is the second step of the conversion. Please see the following command line example which can be seen as a command line example:
doc2pdf –i “” –o D:\OUT.emf
From the command line, you will see there are three parts in it: called program which is the executable file doc2pdf.exe, source file which is the link of the html document and the target file which is the name of the target file.
Please don’t lose the options “-i” and “-o” before the source file and target file.
To run the conversion from html to emf is the last step in the conversion from html to emf. Please click “Enter” button on the keyboard and then the conversion will run itself. You will be able to see the target file several seconds later.