If you want to set color depth for the output image file when you convert the document of html to image, you should choose a suitable application which supports this kind of functions. The command line application of Document Converter will be a good choice because it can convert any printable documents to various image formats and set parameters for the target file.
In this article, you will see the introduction to the command line application you should use and then you will see how to convert the document of html to image and set color depth. The command line application is an internal application in Document Converter. With the command line application, software developers can develop new software.
To use the command line application, you can download it at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe and please install it on your computer. You will see an executable file named as doc2pdf.exe which is the called program in the conversion and you need to call it in MS-DOS prompt window later.
The conversion are made up of three steps: open MS-DOS prompt window, input command line and run the conversion. Please see the following contents for describing the process.
1. Open MS-DOS prompt window
The purpose of opening MS-DOS prompt window is the command line application is a MS-DOS oriented application and you need to input the command line in the window. Please click “Start”—“Run” or use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box in which you need to input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.
2. Input the command line
The command line to be inputted in MS-DOS prompt window is consisted of three four parts: called program, parameter for setting color depth, source file and target file. If you cannot understand, please see the following example:
doc2pdf –b 1 –i “www.verypdf.com” –o D:\output.bmp
NOTE: We can take BMP as the example of output image.
From the command line you can see that
- doc2pdf is the called program. The path of it must be used in the command line when you call the program.
- –b 1 is for setting color depth for output image as 1-bit.
- –i “www.verypdf.com” stands for the URL of some html document.
- –o D:\output.bmp is the name of the target file, which is specified by you.
3. Run the conversion
You should run the conversion from html to image at last when you finish in inputting the command line. In the end, you will see the target file in specified location.
If you want to use all the functions of the command line application, please buy the application via clicking the following link: https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprintpro.html.