You can get a satisfy answer about how to convert the document of odt to fax in this article and you will see a practical application tool used in this conversion. At first, you will see how to make the conversion with the application, then you will get the information about the application in details.
The tool you should use is the command line application doc2pdf.exe. For it is a MS-DOS oriented application, you need to open MS-DOS prompt window before using it.
There are two offered ways for your choice to open MS-DOS prompt window. The first one is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you should input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and you need to click “OK” button. The second one is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.
Inputting command line into MS-DOS interface is the most important step in the conversion from the document of odt to fax. The command line includes called program, source file and target file. You can refer to the following one to write your command line.
doc2pdf –i D:\file1.odt –o D:\file2.fax
When you write the commands, please use the path of each file. Just see the following example for converting odt to fax.
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" –i “D:\My Documents\file1.odt” –o “D:\My Documents\file2.fax”
In the command line,
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" stands for the path of the command line application which is the called program—doc2pdf.exe.
–i “D:\My Documents\file1.odt” is the path of source file, in which “-i” can not be ignored.
–o “D:\My Documents\file2.fax” is the path of target file. Please specify it yourself and don’t forget “-o”.
Then you need to hit “Enter” button to run the conversion from odt to fax.
In fact, the command line application doc2pdf.exe is the internal application of Document Converter which is an expert document converter with the ability of converting any printable documents to many kinds of image formats. You can use any one of the tree internal applications of Document Converter to meet your requirements.
You can use the GUI application to make batch conversion, use the virtual printer application to save paper and ink. If you want to develop new applications basing on Document Converter, you can use the command line application.
To obtain more information about Document Converter, you can click here.