If you don’t know how to convert the document of odt to pcl by command line, you will know it clearly after you read this article. Only three steps are required by using the command line application doc2pdf.exe to convert odt to pcl. Before knowing how doc2pdf.exe works, we should know what is doc2pdf.exe at first.
You may never hear of the application Document Converter. It is a kind of software product which is able to convert any printable documents to image formats. It is consisted of three applications—command line application, GUI application and virtual printer application. The command line application is doc2pdf.exe we have mentioned above and it can be used to convert any printable documents to image formats and set parameters to the target file. If you are a software developer, you can also use the command line application to develop software. The GUI application is good at batch conversion and it has a friendly and clear user interface. By using the virtual printer application, you can print the document and save paper and ink at the same time.
The leading role in this article is the command line application doc2pdf.exe and you can download the free trial version of it at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe. To call this command line application for converting odt to pcl, you need to open MS-DOS interface at first.
There are two ways given in this article to open MS-DOS interface. One is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you are able to input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The other one is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box. Of course, you can also use your own way to open MS-DOS interface.
Then please input the command line into opened MS-DOS interface. You need to use the following command line as a sample to write your own one. But please remember to use the path of each file.
doc2pdf –i C:\1.odt –o C:\1.pcl
In the sample, doc2pdf is the called program, –i C:\1.odt is the source file and –o C:\1.pcl stands for the target file. For better understanding the sample, please see the following specific example.
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" –i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\1.odt” –o “C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\1.pcl”
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of doc2pdf.
–i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\1.odt” is the path of source file.
(NOTE: If you don’t want to input the long paths into the interface, please drag the file you need and drop them into MS-DOS interface.)
–o “C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\1.pcl” stands for the path of the target file.
At last, please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to finish the conversion from the document of odt to pcl and you can browse the target file in the location you have set after the conversion.