To convert the document of rtf to ps format file by command line, you just need to choose a suitable application as your helper. The command line application doc2pdf.exe is a good choice for you and you can use it to convert any printable documents to image formats, also set some parameters for the target file at the same time.
Actually, doc2pdf.exe is one application of Document Converter which is a powerful document converter with three internal applications. The first one is the command line application doc2pdf.exe which has been mentioned. If you are a software developer, you can also use it to develop new application products. The second one is the GUI application which has a friendly user interface easy to understand. The last one is the virtual printer application which can act as a Windows printer also a document converter.
In this article, the leading role if the command line application doc2pdf.exe and you need to download it at if you want to use it. Please set up it on your computer and then you will be able to see the executable file doc2pdf.exe in the installation folder.
- Open MS-DOS interface.
To open MS-DOS interface is the first step in the conversion from the document to rtf to ps format image. You should click press and hold “Window” button and hit “R” button on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box in which you need to input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The other way to open “Run” dialog box is clicking “Start”—“Run”.
- Input command line in MS-DOS interface.
If you want to convert rtf to ps, you have to input the command line in MS-DOS interface. The command line is like the following one which contains called program, source file and target file.
doc2pdf –i D:\In-file.rtf –o D:\
This is only the command line sample. When you want to input the real command line, you need to use the path of each file just like the following example:
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "D:\My Documents\In-file.rtf" -o D:\
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of called program doc2pdf.exe. If you want to get its file path, you can drag it into MS-DOS interface.
-i "D:\My Documents\In-file.rtf" is the path of source file.
–o D:\ is the path of target file.
Run the conversion.
For running the conversion from rtf to ps, you need to click “Enter” button on the keyboard at last. Then the conversion will run itself and you will get the target file in specified location when the conversion is over.