If you need to convert multiple jpg to one pdf document, you can use the application PDF Editor as the tool. There will be a simple introduction about this application in the following contents and you will see how to make the conversion within three steps.
By using PDF Editor, you can easily edit pdf documents by adding annotations, comments, links or other elements to the document freely or modifying the texts, draws of the pdf document. The application allows you to convert many kinds of image formats to pdf document no matter from one or multiple files. You can also use PDF Editor to convert pdf document to many kinds of image formats.
At the beginning of the conversion from multiple jpg to one pdf document, you need to open the application by double clicking its icon or right clicking the icon to click “Open” option in dropdown list. Then you will see the user interface of PDF Editor pop up on your screen.
The second step in the conversion is to input multiple jpg files into the application. Please click “File” in menu area of the interface and click “Create PDF”—“From Multi Files” in dropdown list for opening “Create PDF From Multiple Documents” dialog box which is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
For adding the files into PDF Editor, please click “Browse” button. The dialog box named as “Open” will pop up itself, in which you are allowed to choose the files to be converted to one single pdf document. Then all the paths of the files you added will appear in “Files To Combine” group box. In “Arrange Files” group box, there are three available buttons: “Remove”, “Move Up” and “Move Down”. You can use “Remove” button to delete some file which doesn’t need to be converted from the application. By clicking “Move Up” or “Move Down” buttons, you can move the current file up or down to its former or next file.
The last step is to save the target file. For specifying the path for output file, you can type the path and the name of the file in the text box of “Output File” group box. Then you can click “OK” button. If you want to choose an existed location for output file on your computer, please click “Save” button to open “Save as” dialog box in which you can choose the location for target file in “Save in” dropdown list, edit the name in “File name” edit box, choose output format in “Save as type” dropdown list and click “Save” button to save all the changes.
Then it will come back the “Create PDF From Multiple Documents” dialog box. You just need to click “OK” button to run the conversion from multiple jpg to one pdf document or click “Cancel” button to cancel all the operations you have just made.
If you are interested in PDF Editor after reading the contents above, you can download the free trial version of it at https://www.verypdf.com/pdf-editor/pdfeditor_setup.exe and install it on your computer.
After the evaluation, you may want to use all the functions of PDF Editor, please enter its homepage at https://www.verypdf.com/app/pdf-editor/index.html to buy the application.