Document Converter allows you to convert any printable documents to image formats with easy operations for there are three available applications inside and you can choose any one of the applications according to your needs. For example, if you want to convert the document of OpenOffice to wmf format image by command line, you can use the command line application doc2pdf.
The three applications in Document Converter is GUI application which can be used to make batch conversion, the command line application which often be helper to software developers and the virtual printer application which is able to save paper and ink via scaling page size and combining several pages on one single sheet.
The command line application doc2pdf.exe is a MS-DOS oriented application. So for using it to convert the document of OpenOffice to wmf, you need to open the MS-DOS interface.
To download the command line application, you should click the following link:
The way for opening the MS-DOS interface is listed below:
(1) You can use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box in which you should input “cmd” and click “OK” button.
(2) To open “Run” dialog box, you can also click “Start”—“Run”.
Then please input the command line in popup MS-DOS interface.
The command line must contain called program, source file and target file.
doc2pdf -i C:\input.odg -o C:\output.wmf
In the template above, you can see doc2pdf stands for the called program, -i C:\input.odg stands for the source file and -o C:\output.wmf stands for the target file.
You can refer to it to write your own command line.
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\openoffice\draw.odg" -o D:\see.bmp
"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of doc2pdf.exe.
-i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\openoffice\draw.odg" is the path of source file.
-o D:\see.bmp is the path of target file.
Then please click on “Enter” button on your keyboard for running the conversion from document of OpenOffice to wmf.
If you want to know other articles about doc2pdf.exe, you can visit the blog: VeryPDF Knowledge Base.