VeryPDF PCL Converter can help you accurately and easily convert PRN to JPG and rotate the pages. You can free download VeryPDF PCL Converter and quickly install it on your computer. No third party application is required. Once you employ VeryPDF PCL Converter to convert PRN to JPG and rotate the pages, you only need to take four steps as follows:
First, please open VeryPDF PCL Converter as follows: right click the icon on the desktop, and then click Open on the list that appears. The interface of VeryPDF PCL Converter will pop out instantly.
Second, please input the PRN files you want to convert as follows: select the PRN files you want to convert from Windows Explore drag them and drop them to the list box on the interface. Then, the information of all the selected PRN files will be displayed in the list box.
Tips: to change the order of the files shown in the list box, please click the Move UP or Move Down button under the list box. To remove the listed files from the list box, please click on the selected files in the list box and then click Delete Selected Items or Delete All Items.
Third, to rotate the pages and generate JPG files, you should do as follows: click Setting under the list box.> In the dialog box that pops out, select .jpg from the drop down list of the Output format combo box.> select 90, 270, or 180 from the drop down list of the Rotate angle combo box. > Click OK to close this dialog box. If you want to chance something like page orientation, please click the tabs and select other options in the dialog box before you click OK.
Lastly, you should select a place to put the output JPG files, and start the conversion. Please do as follows: click Start on the interface. > In the Browse for Folder dialog box that pops out, select a folder. > click OK in this dialog box. The computer will start the task without delay. The progress bar at the bottom of the interface will show the status of conversion.
These are the four steps that are required to convert PRN to JPG and rotate the pages. Do you think VeryPDF PCL Converter is easy to use? To purchase it, please click the Register button on the interface.