Here is the method to print GIF to PDF and send PDF by email to other people with PDFcamp Printer in Windows platforms, which can help you realize these 2 goals one time without email account logged on. If you want to know more, please continue to read this article.
1. After you download the installer of PDFcamp Printer from this link:, please double click it in order to install PDFcamp Printer with setup wizard followed step by step till it is successful on your computer, then your PDFcamp Printer can be found on panel of “Printers and Faxes”.
2. On “Printers and Faxes” panel, please click “PDFcamp Printer” with right button of mouse > select “Properties” on dropdown list, then properties panel can be opened on your screen like the 1st picture below. Then, please hit “Printing Preferences” so that preferences panel can be popped out like the 2nd picture below:
3. On preferences panel, please switch to “Email” panel like the 2nd picture above, then refer to the 2nd picture above to edit email receiver and sender, content of email, and SMTP server through editing authentication account with “Setting” button hit, after you click check-box of “Sent mail directly through SMTP server”. After all the basic prepared work on email setting is done, please click “OK”, then you can be back to properties panel, where you should click “OK” so that the setting can be saved and the panel can be closed quickly.
4. Open a GIF image on your computer, then please click “Ctrl + P” there, and you can get print panel on your screen like the following picture. Then, please select “PDFcamp Printer” on dropdown list of “Printer” and click “Print”, then please select a destination folder and click “Save” in dialog box of “Save As” so that PDFcamp Printer can print GIF to PDF and send PDF by email to other people quickly.
Is is convenient to use PDFcamp Printer to print GIF to PDF and send PDF to other people by email in Windows systems? Anyway, if you want to know more of this dreaming tool, please go to its homepage at this link: And if you want to buy this tool, please go to its transaction page at this link: