It is easy to print Office documents of xls to pdf and send pdf by email in Windows platforms with virtual printer. And this article is to tell you a method to realize them in your computer with PDFcamp Printer.
First of all, you need to have this printer---PDFcamp Printer in your computer, which is our main processing tool. And you can click the following link, then the setup program of PDFcamp Printer can be downloaded in your computer: And if you want to install PDFcamp Printer in your computer, please double click this setup program and follow the setup wizard to install it in your computer step by step till it is successful.
Then, please refer to the following steps to print xls to pdf and send pdf by email in your computer:
1. Open a xls file in your computer and click hotkey “Ctrl + P” there so that print panel can be popped on your screen:
where you need to click the edit-box of “Name” > select “PDFcamp Printer” there in order to use PDFcamp Printer later, and then please click “Properties” to start its panel on your screen.
2. On Properties panel, please refer to the following picture to do email settings after one click in check-box of “Sent mail directly through SMTP server”, e.g., editing source mailbox and target mailbox by typing mails into edit-boxes of “From” and “To”, and edit email content by inputting your content in “Content” there, then you also need to type outgoing SMTP server name and click “Setting” so that the “SMTP Server Authentication” can be set with “Account Name” and “Password”, then please click “OK” in order to jump back to Properties panel.
On properties panel, please click “ok” there, so it can help you jump back to print panel, where you can click other radios, check-box or edit-boxes in order to edit other properties or copies numbers of your pdf file. And after you finish all the basic work, one click on “Ok” will help you get a dialog box of “Save as”, where you need to save your pdf file by clicking “Save”, then PDFcamp Printer can print xls to pdf and send pdf by email in your computer.
To know more functions of PDFcamp Printer, please click the following link to visit the homepage of PDFcamp Printer: To buy PDFcamp Printer online, please click the following link to go to the transaction page through this link: