To print tga to emf format image, you are able to fulfill the whole process in only one step just by some easy clicks if you can choose the virtual printer VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer as your tool. VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer is able to print any printable documents to EMF image format and save the target file in a default output location.
In fact, VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer is supplied by the SDK Mini EMF Printer Driver which can offer interfaces and virtual printer that can be called by third part applications. Mini EMF Printer Driver also supplies command line application which can be called by software developers when they develop their own applications.
To use VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer, you need to download Mini EMF Printer Driver. Please click here to download the free trial version of Mini EMF Printer Driver and install it on your computer. In the end of the installation, you will be reminded whether to set VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer as the default printer. If you print document to EMF often, you’d better choose “Yes”.
You can also purchase the developer license for the SDK at if you need. You will get a forever benefit after you buying it for you don’t need to pay further fees for the SDK no matter how you use it. For example, you can distribute applications developed with Mini EMF Printer Driver or redistribute the related components about this SDK to your own applications for free.
You just need to print the TGA image to the virtual printer to print tga to emf. Please open the image with some kind of image viewing program and click “File”—“Print” to open the “Print Preview” dialog box(depending on the image viewing program application). Please choose “VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer” as your current printer in “Printer” dropdown list and click “Print” button to print tga to emf directly. You can also use the combination “Ctrl”+ “P” on the keyboard to open “Print” dialog box. Please see the printing process in Figure 1.
Figure 1
When the conversion from tga to emf is over, you can see the target file automatically pop up on your screen and you are able to see the target file in the default output directory C:\.
The name of VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer can be changed in printer list. Please click “Start”—“Printers and Faxes” to open the printer list and right click VeryPDF Demo EMF Printer to click “Rename” option for inputting the new name for the printer.