You can use the GUI application PDF Editor to convert many kinds of documents to pdf document. You can also use it to convert pdf to many kinds of image formats, including the editable txt format document. In the conversion procedure, you are allowed to select page range or the original pdf document and convert these pages to image formats. You are also able to set image resolution. Just see the following contents about the conversion from pdf to txt.
The first thing you need to do is to download the application PDF Editor at You can get the free evaluation version of the application via clicking this link. Please install it on your computer and if you want to make your work easily and quickly, please create a desktop icon for the application.
If you need to use all the functions of PDF Editor without any limitations, please buy it at its homepage On this webpage, you can also get more information about the application such as its functions, features, etc.
In the conversion from pdf to txt, please open the application. You can double click the desktop icon of PDF Editor or right click the icon and click “Open” option to open the application. If there’s no icon on your desktop, please click “Start”—“All Programs”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor v2.6”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor” for opening the application.
Then you will see the popup user interface of PDF Editor. The next thing you need to do is to add pdf document into it. Please click “File”—“Open” of click “Open” button in the toolbar area to open the dialog box named as “Open” in which you are able to choose the pdf document and add it into the application via clicking “OK” button. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl”+ “O” to open the dialog box.
The last thing you need to do is to save pdf to txt in “Save as” dialog box which can be opened by two ways. The first way is to click “File” in menu area and click “Save as” in dropdown list. The second way is to use the shortcut key “Shift”+ “Ctrl”+ “S” for opening it. Please see “Save as” dialog box in Figure 1.
Figure 1
In “Save in” dropdown list, you can choose the output location for the target file. In “File name” edit box, please input the name for the target file. In “Save as type” dropdown list, please choose “TEXT File (*.txt)” as output format from various supported file formats and then please click “Save” button to save all the changes. In “Page” group box, you can also select the page range for the inputted pdf document and save these pages to txt file.
These are all the operations about the conversion from pdf to txt. You can do it well by yourself just by following this guide. If you still have any questions, welcome to leave a reply, comment or come to our live chat report and we will write back as soon as possible.