PDF Editor supports to edit the PDF document by adding some images into it. For example, you can add clip art the make your PDF document seem more interesting and appealing. If you want to know how to fulfill this kind of work, please see the following contents and you will need the help of PDF Editor which is a powerful application designed for editing PDF document.
After downloading PDF Editor to your computer from the link https://www.verypdf.com/pdf-editor/pdfeditor_setup.exe, you need to install it and create a desktop icon for the application. Then you will be able to use PDF Editor.
If you have not created a desktop icon, please open the application via clicking “Start”— “All Programs”— “VeryPDF PDF Editor v2.6”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor”. Or you just need to double click the icon or right click the icon and choose “Open” option in dropdown list.
After launching the application, please open the PDF document in PDF Editor. Please click “Open” button or click “File”—“Open” to open “Open” dialog box in which you can select the PDF document to be edited from the disk of your computer. For opening the same dialog box, you can also use the shortcut key “Ctrl”+ “O”.
The PDF document will be displayed in the document pane in PDF Editor. Then you need to try to add clip art to the document. As we know that the common format of clip art is WMF. So in PDF Editor, you need to add the WMF format image into it. Please click “Tools”—“Edit Comment” or click “Edit Comment” button to activate the comment status, when you will be able to use all the buttons in comment toolbar.
Please click “Add Stamp” button in comment toolbar or click “Tools”—“Comment”—“Stamp” and the “Open” dialog box will pop up, in which please choose the WMF format image to add clip art image to PDF document. The image will appear in some default position in document pane. Please see it in Figure 1.
Figure 1
- The clip art you added. You can remove it by clicking it with your mouse and dragging it to any position. Its sized can also be regulated when you drag its bolder.
- The commenting window. If you want to add comments to the stamp, please double click the stamp and this window will pop up. You can input your words in it. When finish inputting, you can close it by clicking the close box in upper right corner.
- The floating item. If you want to edit the clip art, please right click on the stamp and this floating item will appear, in which you can choose Copy, Cut, Delete, etc. option to edit the stamp.
- Properties dialog box. By clicking “Properties” option in floating item, you will see this dialog box in which you can set the color for commenting window and the opacity degree of the stamp.
After setting all the parameters for the stamp, please click “Save” button or click “File”—“Save” to save the changes and you need to create a new PDF document by clicking “File”—“Save as” to open “Save as” dialog box in which you can save the newly created PDF document.
If you want to buy PDF Editor for use its all functions, please buy the application at the homepage of it at https://www.verypdf.com/app/pdf-editor/index.html.