When you read some interesting and appealing PDF document, you will find that there may be mathematical symbol in the document. But how can the authors add these symbols to the document and which kind of application they have taken? If you wonder to know the answers of these questions, please read this article carefully.
You can use the powerful application PDF Editor as your tool. It is one which can edit PDF document’s contents, add comments such as note, stamp, hyperlink, draw, etc. It can also convert many kinds of files to PDF documents. If you want to use it, you can download the free evaluation version at https://www.verypdf.com/pdf-editor/pdfeditor_setup.exe and install it on your computer. If you want to buy the application, please visit its homepage at https://www.verypdf.com/app/pdf-editor/index.html.
Then please see the following contents about adding mathematical symbol to the PDF document. At first, you need to open PDF Editor. When you install it, you can correspondingly create a desktop icon so that you can double click it or right click it and click “Open” button for opening PDF Editor when using it. If there is no desktop icon, you can click “Start”—“All Programs”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor v2.6”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor” to open the application. Then you can see the main interface of it.
Just open the PDF document that you want to edit in PDF Editor. In the interface of PDF Editor, please click “File”—“Open”. Then “Open” dialog box will appear and you need to select the PDF document in it and click “OK” button. For opening the same dialog box to choose PDF document, you can also click “Open” button in the toolbar or press “Ctrl”+ “O” combination on the keyboard.
After that, you will be able to add mathematical symbol. Please click “Edit Comment” button or click “Tools”—“Edit Comment” to open comment status. Then click “Add Note” button in comment toolbar or click “Tools”—“Comment”—“Note”. You will see a default symbol appear on the document pane. Right click the symbol and click “Properties” option in floating item, the “Properties” dialog box will pop up, in which you can edit the mathematical symbol. Please see Figure 1.
Figure 1
In the dialog box, there is a control panel. Please click “Appearance” control panel in which you can see “Icon” dropdown list. There are a variety of icon symbols that you can choose. Just select one you like and you can set the color for the comment window which can pop up when you double click the mathematical symbol. By dragging the bar you can also set the opacity degree for the symbol. Then please click “Close” button.
You can edit your comments in the comment window. According to your needs, you can drag the symbol to anywhere in document pane with your mouse. But you cannot change its size. When everything have done, please click “Save” button in toolbar or click “File”—“Save” to save the changes you have made. Then please create the new PDF document via clicking “File”—“Save as” to open “Save as” dialog box in which you can specify the location, rename the new PDF document.
These are all the operations about adding mathematical symbol to PDF document. If you still have any questions, please leave a message or come to our live chat.