To protect the contents of PDF documents, one often choose to add watermark in the document, which equals to that the PDF document will be added a unique identity which differs from other documents. So to add watermark the the PDF document, you can use the GUI application PDF Editor to add annotation stamps to the document.
PDF Editor is a powerful application which can be used to edit, convert, read PDF document. It supports many kinds of functions such as adding comments, editing contents, converting PDF to other formats, viewing PDF document, etc. This article aims at showing you the function of adding annotation stamps.
When you add the stamps for PDF document with PDF Editor, you can add different formats of image as the annotation stamps such as BMP, GIF, DIB, JPG, TIF, PNG, JPEG, etc. For using the application PDF Editor, you can download the fee evaluation version of it at and you need to install it on your computer.
At the beginning of this work, please open the application PDF Editor via double clicking the application icon if you can find it or right click the icon and click “Open” option in dropdown list. When you cannot find the application icon, you have to click “Start”—“All Programs”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor v2.6”—“VeryPDF PDF Editor” to open the application.
In the opened PDF Editor user interface, please open the PDF document which needs to be added annotation stamps. Please click “Open” button for opening “Open” dialog box in which you can choose the PDF document from the disk of your disk and then click “OK” button. Clicking “File”—“Open” can also open this dialog box. The keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl”+ “O” can do the same work.
In document pane of PDF Editor, you will see the current page of the opened PDF document. Then you are able to add watermark—annotation stamps for it. Please click “Edit Comment” or “Tools”—“Edit Comment” to open comment status. Then the buttons will be usable. Please click the third button or click “Tools”—“Comment”—“Stamp”. Then “Open” dialog box pops up, in which you can choose the stamp image from all the supported formats and click “Open” to add it as the stamp which will appear in the default place of document pane. If you want to change is size, you can drag the edge of the stamp. By right clicking the stamp, you can edit its property in popup “Properties” dialog box. Please see Figure 1.
Figure 1
In “Properties” dialog box, you can see the stamp appearance panel. In “Appearance” pane, you can set the color of stamp’s contents but not the stamp itself in “Color” combo box. In “Opacity” box, you can change the opacity degree of the stamp to suit your needs by dragging . The comment’s opacity couldn’t be changed. You can make some kind of color in the stamp to be transparent by checking “Transparent Color” and choosing color in the popup window. Then please click “Close” button to close the dialog box.
Please click “Save” button in toolbar or click “File”—“Save” to save all the operations you have made and create a new PDF document via clicking “File”—“Save as” for opening “Save as” dialog box in which you are allowed to save the new document.
When you find the new PDF document in the specified location, you will see that the annotation stamps have been successfully added to your document. The URL of PDF Editor homepage is You can enter it to buy the application.