If you want to convert the document of txt to xps format file, you’d better choose an application which supports to convert any printable documents to various image formats. For example, Document Converter is such a kind of application which is able to convert any printable documents to image formats. So if you use it as your helper, you will fulfill the conversion fast and easily.
The application to be introduced in this article is the command line application of Document Converter. It is an application which is a good helper to software developers for they can embed or redistribute the command line application to their developed applications. If you are familiar with MS-DOS interface or the commands well, you may also love to use the command line application.
To use the command line application smoothly, you should download it at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe and install it on your computer. After the installation, you will see an executable file named as doc2pdf.exe appear in the package and it is the called program file in the conversion from txt to xps. When using it, you should open MS-DOS interface at first.
There are two ways for you to open MS-DOS interface. The first one is to click “Start” for opening “Start” menu and click “Run” in the menu. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of the popup “Run” dialog box and click “OK” button. The second way is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination to open “Run” dialog box and then do the same work mentioned in the first way.
Then you should input the command line which contains called program, source file and target file. The called program is the executable file doc2pdf.exe in installation package, the source file is the TXT document you want to convert and the target file is the XPS format file you want to get. There is a command line template for you to refer to:
doc2pdf –i C:\1.txt –o C:\xps
In the command line,
doc2pdf stands for the called program and you should use the full path of it when you input the command line in MS-DOS interface.
–i C:\1.txt specifies the path of source file.
–o C:\xps is the name of target file.
When you write the command line, please don’t forget the options “-i” and “-o” before the paths of source file and target file.
To run the conversion from txt to xps, please click “Enter” button on the keyboard at last and several seconds later, you will get the target file in specified location.