If you need to convert the document of webpage to image by command line, you can use the command line application of Document Converter to help you. This article will show you how to make this conversion and you will get some useful information here.
First, let’s get some acquaintance to the command line application of Document Converter. It is powerful enough to convert any printable documents to various image formats and you can embed or redistribute the command line application to your developed application.
Document Converter also has two other internal applications—GUI application and virtual printer application. You can use the GUI application to make batch conversion because it has a friendly user interface and it can be used more easily. The virtual printer application enables users to scale page size and combine several pages on one single sheet to save paper and ink.
Please experience the command line application by downloading a free trial version at https://www.verypdf.com/artprint/docprint_pro_setup.exe. The installation is necessary for you need to use the executable file doc2pdf.exe in installation package as the called program in the conversion from webpage to image.
In this article, we take BMP format as the example of output image and please see the specific conversion steps in the following contents.
Step1. Please open the conversion platform—MS-DOS interface. You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box or use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box. Then input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.
Step2. Then input the command line. The command line contains called program which is the executable file doc2pdf.exe, source file which is the input webpage document and target file which is the output image file. Please refer to the following command line example to write your own one:
doc2pdf –i “www.google.com” –o C:\test.bmp
In this command line,
doc2pdf stands for the called program.
–i “www.google.com” stands for the link of the input webpage document.
–o C:\test.bmp is the name of the target file.
Step3. Please click “Enter” button to start the conversion from webpage to image.
If you are interested in the command line application, you can buy it at https://www.verypdf.com/order_docprintpro.html.