To convert EMF to TGA, you can use HTML Converter to fulfill it on your computer of Windows systems. If you would like to know more information of HTML Converter, please go to official website of HTML Converter. To know more tools with similiar functions, please go to our official website.
The steps to convert EMF to TGA with HTML Converter are as follows:
1. Click following link, then installer of HTML Converter can be downloaded, which you need to double click so that HTML Converter can be installed successfully.
2. Run HTML Converter, then add source EMF file for this process:
Click “Add Files” > select EMF file and click “open” in pop dialog box, so after path of this EMF file is shown in processing form, it is successful to add this EMF file.
3. Set objective format as TGA:
Click “setting” on GUI interface > click tab “Base Settings” on setting panel, then you need to click “.tga” on dropdown list of “output format”, finally, one click on “ok” will help you save this setting and go back to GUI interface.
4. Select destination folder and produce TGA file with one click:
Click “start” button on GUI interface, then there is a dialog box popped out, where you need to select targeting folder there, and click “ok” so that along with successful setting on targeting folder, this process from EMF to TGA can be started, then later on, your TGA file can be produced into this destination folder.
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