To convert HTML to PCX, HTML Converter can help you with this very simply on computers of Windows systems. To know what is HTML Converter, welcome to visit official website of HTML Converter; to know other software besides HTML Converter, welcome to visit our official website. 🙂
First of all, please download installer of HTML Converter, then if you want to install HTML Converter, it is convenient to double click this installer and follow setup wizard step by step till HTML Converter is installed on your computer successfully.
Next, you can refer to the followings to convert HTML to PCX with HTML Converter on your computer:
1. Open HTML Converter and GUI interface can be popped out, where you need to click “Add Files”, then in pop dialog box please select your HTML file and click “open”, so this HTML file can be added and it is shown as its path in processing form of GUI interface:
Of course, if you want to remove this added HTML file, you can click its path > click “delete” of keyboard conveniently
2. To set targeting format as PCX, please do the followings:
Click “setting” on GUI interface > hit tab “Base Settings”, then on setting panel, please click “.pcx” on dropdown list of “output format”, at last, one click on “ok” there can help you save your setting.
3. Next, to set targeting folder and start this process, button of “start” is designed to help you realize both of them on GUI interface, here are more details:
Click “start” on GUI interface, then a dialog box named “browse for folder” can be popped out, and you need to choose one folder as targeting folder, finally, along with one click on “ok” button of dialog box, HTML Converter will help you produce PCX file within several seconds.
By now, the illustration about how to convert HTML to PCX is finished above, so for any doubts on this process, welcome to drop your messages here, and then we will offer you prefect solutions as you wish! 🙂