There are 2 ways to convert PDF to HTML with PDF to HTML Converter in Windows platforms, based on GUI and CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter:
PDF to HTML Converter is a professional tool for you to help you convert PDF files to HTML files with targeting properties mainly. You can know more of this application at, if you want.
GUI method
Please download installer of GUI version of PDF to HTML Converter, then double click it and install GUI version of PDF to HTML Converter with setup wizard.
Then, you need to open GUI interface > click “File” on menu bar > select “Preferences” on dropdown list, so preferences panel can be popped out, where there are 6 tabs for you to click in order to set page range for conversion of PDF to HTML, JPEG quality, hyperlinks, HTML options or characters positions etc., finally, you need to click “ok” there, so those settings can be saved automatically.
Next, you need to add PDF, save HTML and produce HTML with this way:
Click “File” > select “Open PDF Files”, then there will be a dialog box popped out, and you need to select PDF and click “open”. After adding PDF for this process, there will be another dialog box popped out, where you need to select destination folder and click “save”, so at last, this added PDF file can be converted to HTML with targeting properties set on your computer quickly.
CMD method
You need to download zip file of CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter, then extract its contents to your computer.
Next, please open command prompt window---running environment of CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter:
Click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” and click “ok”
Then, refer to the following example to convert PDF to HTML with command line:
D:\pdf2html_cmd\pdf2html.exe f:\in.pdf g:\out.htm
D:\pdf2html_cmd\pdf2html.exe is path of “pdf2html.exe”, which is typed for running CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter; f:\in.pdf is source path for adding this PDF for this conversion; g:\out.htm is objective path used for saving HTML on computer.
Finally, after all prepared work is done like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then conversion from PDF to HTML can be accomplished on your computer.
So by now, you can add your comments here, in case you meet questions or have confusion on this process, which is from PDF to HTML with GUI and command line of PDF to HTML Converter, and we will offer you perfect support! 🙂