It is not hard to export text from PDF to HTML with GUI and CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter on computers of Windows systems.
First of all, please download installer of PDF to HTML Converter, then double click and follow setup wizard to install GUI version of PDF to HTML Converter on your computer. Then, also you need to download zip of CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter, and after you unzip it to your computer, program “pdf2html.exe” can be called so that CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter can be used on your computer directly. If you want to know more of PDF to HTML Converter, welcome to go to official website of PDF to HTML Converter. 🙂
Way to export text from PDF to HTML with GUI
1. Open GUI interface of PDF to HTML Converter > click “File” on menu bar > select “Preferences” on dropdown list, so preferences panel can be popped out. Then, you need to click tab “General” there > click check box of “Generate as continuous HTML page, then after check box of “Remove all pictures is activated, please click it in order to remove all images of PDF and export text only. Finally, please click “ok” there in order to save this setting.
2. After program jump back to GUI interface, to add PDF file for this process and save targeting HTML file, please click “File” > select “Open” on dropdown list, so after dialog box named “Open PDF Files” popped out, please choose PDF file and click “open” in order to add this PDF file for this process. Then, automatically, another dialog box named “save as” is opened, too, where you need to select one folder as targeting folder to save targeting HTML file, then one click on “save” will help you start this process, and later on, your HTML without any images and only text remained can be produced into targeting folder.
Way to export text from PDF to HTML with command line
To realize that, please refer to the followings to type command line and achieve your goal step by step:
1. Open command prompt window --- running environment of CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter
Click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” and click “ok”
2. Type command line
d:\pdf2html_cmd\pdf2html.exe –noimg f:\input\example17.pdf h:\output\example17.htm
- d:\pdf2html_cmd\pdf2html.exe is path of “pdf2html.exe”, which is used for running CMD version of PDF to HTML Converter
- –noimg is parameter to help you remove images from PDF to HTML
- f:\input\example17.pdf is source path of added PDF, which is typed for adding PDF for process
- h:\output\example17.htm is objective path, which needs to be typed for saving HTML file
Finally, when you finish typing commands like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window. Then added PDF can be converted to HTML file into destination folder on your computer automatically. 🙂
If you meet some questions when you try to export text from PDF to HTML with CMD and command line of PDF to HTML Converter, it is convenient to drop your comments here so that our technique support can help you with that asap! Thank you for reading this article. 🙂