The developing application VeryPDF Password Security is a desktop handy program which allows you to encrypt your PDF document with different encryption levels or decrypt your PDF document by removing the existing password encryption. By using this application, you can better edit the password protected PDF document.
Maybe the existing functions of Password Security shown below can not answer all of your requirements. So if you are interested in this application and want it to work for you, you can try to bring up some ideas about it, for example, which kind of functions do you want it to realize, which function is not flexible, etc. If your precious ideas or opinions are used in this product, you will get the freeware software! So please don’t forget to leave your messages or contact our support team after you read this article.
Now you will see what functions VeryPDF Password Security can realize:
1. Encrypt PDF document
To protect your PDF document, you can use Password Security to set open or owner password for the PDF document. In addition, you can also choose which kind of encryption level to be used, 40-bit or 128-bit.
2. Set different restrictions
You can secure your PDF document from being copied, printed, modified, printed with high resolution, etc. by setting PDF restrictions: Deny printing, Deny copying, Deny modifying, Deny printing with high resolution, etc.
3. Remove PDF restrictions
If the input PDF document is restricted, you can also use Password Security to remove all the restrictions and then you are able to edit this document freely.
4. Edit PDF descriptions
Password Security is also a PDF description editor at the same time. You can use it to edit or change PDF description like creator, subject, title, author, producer, etc. It also allows you to customize new PDF descriptions.
5. Edit or change PDF properties in batch
You can use Password Security to edit or change PDF properties in batch. You can edit them one by one document or edit them at the same time by using the same properties.
6. Support drag and drop
When you input PDF document in this application, you can use the regular way to open them. But the most convenient way is to drag and drop PDF document into the application because it supports this kind of operation.
7. Easy to use
Password Security is an easy-to-use application which has a clear and friendly user interface. When you launch the application, you will instantly see its main window and will be able to operate it at once, which can save your time better.
Those are the main features of Password Security, if they are not enough, please tell us. Please don’t forget the freeware software!