This article recommends you 2 ways to make JPEG of SWF file more sharp from PDF via command line, which are through PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter and PDF to Flash Converter.
Way with PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter:
Please download free PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter right now. PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter is a command line tool which allows Windows users to convert PDF to SWF, PDF to HTML and PDF to JS etc. In general, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter can help you produce vivid flip book from various PDF file, including normal, encrypted and scanned PDF files.
Here is the method to adjust JPEG quality in SWF with command line:
pdfflip.exe c:\input\test1.pdf d:\out\outputdir -jpegquality 100
(note: -jpegquality <int>: Set quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality, 0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big). (default:85))
Result of vivid flip book of SWF of what you want:
You can notice this production could be flipped over according to your requirements manually, which is also the advantage of what PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could generate from PDF file as you could see. Also this flip book can be embedded into any websites to share with your friends etc.. PDF to Flash Flip Book Converterreally is worth your try!
Way with PDF to Flash Converter:
Please install free PDF to Flash Converter right now, and here is short introduction of PDF to Flash Converter:
PDF to Flash Converter, which is also a command line tool, allows Windows users to produce SWF files from PDF files professionally in various properties of flash files as you want!
Then you can refer to the followings to adjust JPEG quality via command line through this tool:
pdftoflash.exe –pv2rquality 100 d:\input1.pdf f:\output1.swf
(note: -pv2rquality <int>: set quality for JPEG image, default is 95)
Produced SWF file from PDF file with adjusted JPEG quality:
This SWF file is just a normal SWF file produced from PDF file, which could be previewed on web browsers. Besides JPEG quality adjusting, PDF to Flash Converter could help you with more properties of SWF files.
The software I mentioned above are all command line tools, which help you convert PDF to SWF through command line with adjusted JPEG quality. However, there are other powerful tools on VeryPDF website that help you with more and more files than you can imagine that you can visit. For more concerns about this article, please feel free to contact us through