VeryPDF PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter is a CMD application, which has been designed to help Windows users convert PDF to flip book and PDF to SWF through command line. Besides the basic operation to convert PDF to flip book, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could bring you a fantastic experience of making flip book with various additional properties from PDF files beyond your imagination.
Download or Purchase:
To free trial, please click here; to purchase it online, please enter here. Note: The trial version of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could only help you convert first 3 pages of PDF to flip book or PDF to SWF within 50 trial times, rather than all pages of PDF files in no limited times with purchased full version.
System requirement:
Both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows systems
Specified use of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter:
Create E-Magazine, E-Newspapers, E-Catalogs, E-Brochures, E-Books, annual reports etc., which could be embed on a website or a blog so that they could be shared by your friends or readers with more fun.
Comprehensive and effective help always for you
Imagine how exciting if your friends always love to share your flip books with so much surprise! And if you want to know how to convert PDF to flip book right now, maybe the following could really give you useful tips!
1. Usage of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter
pdfflip.exe file.pdf outdir [-options]
2. What PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter help you in details
- To edit flip book in various properties, you could use following parameters:
-pw <int>: Edit flipbook page width
-ph <int>: Edit flipbook page height
page width and page height, the default unit is point
page width and page height, can enter other unit mm,in-pp <string>: Set flipbook page width and height, paper size contain
A4,A3,Letter,A5,A6,Legal,Executive,etc.-bc <string>: Set flipbook button color, e.g., -bc ffffff
-pc <string>: Edit flipbook panel color, e.g., -pc ffffff
-tc <string>: Edit flipbook text color, e.g., -tc ffffff
-bgc <string>: Edit flipbook background color, e.g., -bgc ffffff
-hc <string>: Use HardCover or not
"-hc true" or "-hc false"
- To edit produced SWF in various options, you could use following parameters:
-pagerange <string>: Set the range of pages to convert, e.g. 1-20 or -pagerange 1,4,6,9-11
-password <string>: Use password for deciphering the pdf.
-zlib: Use Flash 6 (MX) zlib compression.
-jpegquality <int>: Set quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality, 0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big). (default:85)
-shapes: Don't use SWF Fonts, but store everything as shape.
-fonts: Store full fonts into SWF, don't reduce font data to used characters
-flatten: Remove as many clip layers from file as possible.
-zoom <int>: Set the resultion (default: 72)
-poly2bitmap: Convert graphics to bitmaps
-all2bitmap: Convert everything to bitmaps
-flashversion <int>: Set Flash Version in the SWF header to num
-disablelinks: Disable hyperlinks in output SWF files
-addcmd <string>: Reserved parameter for advanced users
-version: Print version info and exit
-v: Print version info and exit
-$ <string>: Set registration key
- Relative examples
pdfflip.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(note: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX stands for registration code)
pdfflip.exe f:\test.pdf c:\outdir
pdfflip.exe e:\test.pdf g:\outdir -pw 826 -ph 1024
pdfflip.exe e:\test.pdf g:\outdir -pw 400mm -ph 800mm
pdfflip.exe f:\test.pdf c:\outdir -flatten -zoom 150
pdfflip.exe h:\test.pdf e:\outdir -all2bitmap -zoom 300
To know more about PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, which is a command line tool for converting PDF to flip book ---- PDF to SWF, please visit homepage of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter.