VeryPDF Screen OCR is a powerful tool that can help you OCR screen text quickly and accurately in Windows systems of both 32 bits and 64 bits. For more information about this process with OCR technology, you can keep reading this article to find more.
VeryPDF Screen OCR helps you capture screen and save to image, recognize text displayed on screen and recognize text from existing images. More knowledge of VeryPDF Screen OCR could be found at homepage of VeryPDF Screen OCR. Here you can also free-try VeryPDF Screen OCR. To know other software, please go to official website of VeryPDF.
To OCR screen text with VeryPDF Screen OCR and OCR technology, please refer to the following paragraphs:
1. Please open GUI interface of VeryPDF Screen OCR, where you can set hotkey to capture screen and select language of your demand based on your screen for OCR technology accurately
Fig1. Interface of VeryPDF Screen OCR
2. Please use your left button of mouse to drag a rectangle on your screen above what you want to OCR later, then release your left button, there can be a rectangle appearing with 4 buttons – cancel for discarding this rectangle, copy for coping this screen, save to file for saving screen snapshot, OCR for OCR screen text. So we need to select OCR button here.
Fig2. Example screen field for OCR screen text later
3. Then, there will be 2 panel popped out, where you can notice screen text has already been extracted successfully. And all you need to do is to save produced text: click File > select save text as > select folder in dialog box > click save or just click directly which offers you the same proceeding.
Fig3. Example panel after OCR screen text with OCR technology
Fig4. Dialog box for saving text of OCR screen
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